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X Class
XII Class
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Phonepe/GPay Number : 9590642310
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I wish to apply for the Admission Test 2021 conducted by BSBS - The B School for admission to the Graduate in Commerce-Business Data Analytics Program. I have carefully read the rules and regulations of Admission Test 2021 and agree to abide by the same. I also understand that BSBS - The B School reserves the right to change/modify the rules and regulations from time to time and I agree to abide by the same. I understand that the jurisdiction for all disputes (if any) relating to BSBS - The B School is Bangalore. I hereby declare that the information Provided by me in the application form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. My submission of the online application certifies that I have read, understood and agree to the rules and regulations of Admission Test 2021 conducted by BSBS - The B School